Kawasaki FA06E on a 14 m linear track with 2 positioners and Fronius TPS5000

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Year 2006. Very few working hours (2200). Kawasaki arc welding cell consisting of:

- Kawasaki FA06E 6 axis industrial robot, 1550 mm arm reach and 6 kg payload equipped with the powerful D controller, mounted in inverted position.

- 14 meters linear track

- 2 x servocontrolled positioners, 6 meters between head-tail stock, 5000 kg payload

- 500 amp water cooled MIG/MAG Synoergic welding power source Fronius TPS5000, 500A, wire feeder, liquid cooled torch and torch cleaner with Touch-sense tracking system

-Protecion fences and light barriers


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