The KUKA features:
I. A 25 percent reduction in robot volume results in reduced space requirements and improved reachability – even in tight corners. Moreover, this is combined with denser installations and improved mounting options. The advantages: minimum space requirements and maximum productivity.
II. Optimal process results: the stiffer mechanical system, improved motion characteristics, shorter cycle times and increased path accuracy ensure top performance. The advantages: enormous power and simple operation.
III. KR C4 - Newest Kuka controller
More powerful, safer, more flexible, and above all more intelligent. The revolutionary concept of the KR C4 provides a firm foundation for the automation of tomorrow. It reduces costs in automation for integration, maintenance and servicing. The long-term efficiency and flexibility of the systems are increased at the same time. For this reason, KUKA has developed a new ground-breaking, clearly-structured system architecture that concentrates on open and powerful data standards. In this architecture, all integrated controllers – from SafetyControl, RobotControl, and MotionControl to LogicControl and ProcessControl – have a joint database and infrastructure which they use and share intelligently.
KR C4 features
Maximum Load of Robot: 90 Kg
Maximum horizontal reach: 3100 mm
Repeatability: 0.06 mm
Controller: KR C4
Axis 1: 123º/s
Axis 2: 115º/s
Axis 3: 120º/s
Axis 4: 292º/s
Axis 5: 258º/s
Axis 6: 284º/s
Axis 1: ±185°
Axis 2: -5°/-140°
Axis 3: +120°/-155°
Axis 4: ±350°
Axis 5: ±125°
Axis 6: ±350°
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