The series of robots Epson LS3 SCARA of high performance and at a competitive price, Intelligent motion control technology that allows fast operations at high speed and with a low level of vibrations. Suitable for mechanical or electrical assembly processes, pick and place, kitting, dispensing
Epson LS3 SCARA with an arm length of 400mm robot with high speed cycles to maximize the performance of the piece, it handles maximum speeds of 6000 mm / s for fast and precise movement of the parts, configured in ISO 4 Clean version, Easy installation offering a high quality production.
Equipped with the powerful, economical and simple driver Epson RC90
Known in the industry for its high performance and cost-effective motion control, Easy configuration via USB, higher production motion profiles and trajectory control, PowerDrive servo system provides an advanced servo control to accelerate acceleration / deceleration times with start / stop soft. fast cycles and program execution times.
Provides great flexibility and expandability, when used as stand alone, PLC Slave or with PC, can be applied to Epson G / RS series SCARAS, EZ Modules and C3 / PS / S-Series Robots 6-axis, comes integrated with Guide vision, .NET connectivity, GUI generator, DeviceNet and Profibus.
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