ABB IRB 6650 M2004

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Long arm version of the popular 6600. Arm reach up to 3200 mm, and a wrist torque up to 1320 Nm. Evolution of the famous IRB6400. Higher speed and a fully new shape allowing a wider working envelope in axis 2 and 3. Single spring counterbalance system following the Kuka and Fanuc philosophy (Kuka series 2000 and Fanuc R2000). The IRB 6600 comes with a built-in Service Information System, allowing for it to easier plan service and maintenance.

Equipped with the latest IRC5 controller.

IRC5 is ABB’s fifth generation robot controller. Its motion control technology, TrueMove & QuickMove, is key to the robot’s performance in terms of accuracy, speed, cycle-time, programmability and synchronization with external devices.

Based on advanced dynamic modeling, the IRC5 optimizes the performance of the robot for the physically shortest possible cycle time (QuickMove) and precise path accuracy (TrueMove). Together with a speed-independent path, predictable and high- performance behavior is delivered automatically, with no tuning required by the programmer.

RAPID programming language
The perfect combination of simplicity, flexibility and powerful- ness. RAPID is a truly unlimited language with hosts of advanced features and powerful support for many process applications.
The IRC5 supports the state-of-the-art field busses for I/O and is a well-behaved node in any plant network. Sensor interfaces, remote disk access and socket messaging are examples of the many powerful networking features.

Robot Info

    •    Maximum Load of Robot: 125 Kg
    •    Maximum Reach: 3200 mm
    •    Repeatability: 0.1 mm
    •    Controller: IRC5 M2004

Robot motion speed

    •    Axis 1: 110º/s
    •    Axis 2: 90º/s
    •    Axis 3: 90º/s
    •    Axis 4: 150º/s
    •    Axis 5: 120º/s
    •    Axis 6: 235º/s


    •    Spot welding
    •    Press tending
    •    Material handling
    •    Machine tending
    •    Palletizing
    •    Assembly
    •    Glueing and adhesive bonding
    •    Plasma cutting
    •    Machining


Báo chí chăm sóc , Palletising , Bốc xếp các bộ phận , Gia công , Xử lý các bộ phận , Keo - Liên kết kết dính , Cắt bằng tia plasma
