ABB IRB1600 Flexarc M2004 IRC5 on track plus two IRBP 2000L positioners

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Year 2008, ABB 9 axis genuine Flexarc welding cell consisting of:

- 1 x IRB1600 M2004 6 axis robot with IRC5 controller, 1,45 m arm reach and 6 kg payload.

- 1 x servocontrolled linear track - 7th axis, 8.7 meters hub

- 2 x IRBP 2000L welding positioners along the linear track, servocontrolled, 2000 kg payload and 4 m between head and tailstock

- 1 x ESAB Migrob 5000 - 500 Amperes - arc welding power source with wire feeder, PKI 500 welding torch and TSC anticollision

- 1 x Bull's eye torch correction system

- Torch cleaning station

- System completely integrated with the IRC5 system through the ABB Arcware software

- Safety light curtain barriers and operator panel


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