người máy Motoman MH280 II

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The robot MH280 II design with high speed movement and stiffness in the reducers provide decrease in cycle times improving performance and flexibility. The increased load capacity makes it suitable for a wide variety of applications and its arm reach allows you to perform tasks in difficult to reach places.

DX200 Controller
DX200 is one of the robust system architecture controllers of high reliability and system level efficiency for the robotic work cells. Variety of fieldbus network connections. Dynamic interference zones protect the robot arm and provide advanced collision prevention. Allows up to three auxiliary / external axes and can be mounted remotely. provides:
Application flexibility.
High productivity.
Minimal integration costs.
Application flexibility.
Increased reliability and energy efficiency.
Improved maintenance capacity, reduced average repair time (MTTR).
Category 3 Performance Level Functional Safety Unit (FSU).
Control of multiple robot of up to 8 robots / 72 axes with synchronized movement between devices.
Advanced robot motion control (ARM) provides high productivity and trajectory planning.
Small and light pendant with Windows® CE programming color touch screen with multiple window viewing possibilities.
Main specifications
Maximum Load of Robot: 280 kg
Number of axis: 6
Maximum horizontal reach: 2,446 mm
Maximum vertical reach: 2,962 mm
Repeatability: ±0.2 mm
Controller: DX200   
Motion range (°)
Axis S: ±180°
Axis L: +76°/- 60°
Axis U: +230°/-142.5°
Axis R: ±360°
Axis B: ±125°
Axis T: ±360°
Maximum speed (°/s)
Axis S:  90°/s
Axis L:  80°/s
Axis U: 90°/s
Axis R: 115°/s
Axis B: 110°/s
Axis T:  190°/s
Robot applications
Press tending
Machine tending
Material handling


Báo chí chăm sóc , Gia công , Xử lý các bộ phận , Đo đạc

